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Official Sites
The official sources for information on Freespace information.
The Official Freespace 2 Website


This site, maintained by Volition, is the official source for Freespace 2 news. The site contains ship models for the upcoming game as well as a plethera of other information.
Interplay Productions


The official distribution channel for Descent: Freespace houses an official site as well.
Volition Inc.


The company behind Descent: Freespace and the upcoming Freespace 2. Get the news here direct from the source with no middle man.

Freespace News Sites
Sites Dedicated to bringing news to the Freespace Community.
A Talent for War (ATFW)


The Space-Sim Portal
Descent Chronicles


One of the best sites for up-to-date Freespace, as well as Descent, news. It also contains information on FRED mission designing and MOD's, as well as the Freespace Mission Archives.
Ross 128


Ross 128 - The new FS megasite focused on bringing the entire FS community closer together by hosting sites and revolutionary features like the IFF Forum.
Planet FreeSpace


A one stop source for all of your FreeSpace needs. Planet FreeSpace features, mission downloads, the latest news, and rants (by WildWolf). And of course, Planet FreeSpace is the home of FreeSpace Frenzy.
Freespace Universe Reference Project


What better site to find background information on the Freespace Universe than the FSURP! Been around since August of 1998!

Freespace Clan Sites
Other gaming organizations called clans who play Descent: Freespace
Righteous Fire of Peace


This is the new site which also has a link to old site.
GTXD Excalibur missions guild and pilot's alliance


The largest group of mission creators as well as one of the largest groups of squadrons within the FreeSpace community are both found in the GTXD Excalibur homepage, where pilots join together to fly missions and to help their fellows and community.
Shattered Star Confederation


The Shattered Star Confederation is a gaming organization that plays multiple games across the internet. It's built on the bonds of friendship so there are no ranks or other 'clannish' criteria.

Personal Websites
Personal sites that include some information on Descent: Freespace or a pilot on PXO.
Science Station Andromeda II


Descent:Freespace II Tech Data Central - Home base of SSC-Overlord in the Andromeda Sector.
Science Station Andromeda I


Descent:Freespace I Tech Data Central - Home base of SSC-Overlord in the Andromeda Sector.

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