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Shattered Star Ideals - Overview

Friendship - While the other ideals allow us to be independant and unique, this is what bonds the group together and makes our strength unparallel.

Freedom - The SSC will not require you to attend meetings, play games, or tell you what to do.

Equality - Every member in the SSC is on the same level. There is no supreme leader, nor can a member boss another around.

Honor & Integrity - For a group that holds freedom so dear honor and integrity must run throughout. We must hold each other up and be there for each other.

Freespace 2 Division Requirements

Pilot Naming - Until the full version comes out and supports Squads you shall name your pilots starting with 'SSC-'.

Active Requirement - This division will require the response to a monthly newsletter sent out. You need only hit reply and send it in to proove you are an active member.

Recruitment - There will be no limit on the number of players that may join. When a player joins there name will be placed on a form where current members may state their opinions on the player. If four players speak well with no negative reports the player will be added to our members list and not before then.

   The Shattered Star Confederation came about in 1997 by a student, Bob Simmans (LonestarTX), sitting in his class at school. Since then many unique members have contributed to the ideas and made the SSC a phenomena on the internet. Without any income from banners, or being hosted on free networks, without endorsement from gaming companies, or any other help, the members have brought forth the largest hobbyist gaming organization on the internet. Take pride in knowing that you can be a part of this great movement and make a difference in our path. If you are interested in knowing more about our group please visit our main base or email webmaster@shatteredstar.org.